Road transport department Narayanpur
Road transport department Narayanpur
The latest initiative is aimed at high transparency, security and operation through the provision of a nationwide integrated database and a highly
citizen and business focused web enabled environment.Both these applications have been centralized to ensure reliability. The new application relates
to a multi-user environment in which end customers (citizens) RTO To perform the most forceful of transactions (including payments) can be provided
to either the in-house or authorized third party service provider / s being developed.Relax in their vicinity. It will also help, to a large extent, troubles
and (currently in visiting RTOs for primary types of transactions) citizens. Extensive paperwork to remove the queues faced by the currently
being done on the ground and reduce the chances of uneducated exploitation middlemen / uninformed citizens. ahead Going mobile, applications based will
be developed and identity based systems also use integrated RTO for higher security and ease of operation
Our vision
To improve the quality of service delivery to the citizen and the working environment of the RTO.
Our mission
With the introduction of all vehicle registration and smart card technology to handle issues like inter state transport vehicle movement and to create state and
national level registers of vehicles To automate license related activities / DL information in the transport authorities of the driving country.
To provide :
- Better services to Transport Department as well as citizen
- Quick implementation of government policies from time to time
- Improved image of Government & Department
- Instant access of Vehicle/DL information to other government departments